How To Get To Level 100 In Prodigy Fast (2024)

If you're an avid gamer, especially of the math-oriented RPG game Prodigy, you might have set your sights on reaching that coveted level 100. While it may seem like a daunting task, with the right strategies and approach, you can make your journey to level 100 a smooth and speedy one. In this guide, we'll explore some tips and tricks to help you level up quickly in Prodigy.

Understanding the Basics

Before diving into advanced strategies, it's crucial to grasp the fundamentals of Prodigy. The game revolves around solving math problems to progress through various levels and defeat enemies. Each correct answer earns you experience points (XP), which contribute to your overall level progression. Additionally, engaging in battles with monsters and completing quests also rewards you with XP.

Choose the Right Pet

One of the key factors in leveling up quickly in Prodigy is having a powerful pet by your side. Pets not only provide assistance in battles but also contribute to your overall stats and abilities. When selecting a pet, prioritize those with high attack and defense stats, as they will help you defeat enemies more efficiently. Additionally, consider pets that offer beneficial abilities or spells that can aid you in battles and questing.

Complete Quests and Challenges

Quests and challenges are excellent sources of XP in Prodigy. Make it a habit to actively seek out and complete quests as you progress through the game. Quests often involve solving math problems, battling monsters, or exploring new areas, all of which reward you with XP upon completion. Additionally, keep an eye out for special events and challenges that offer bonus XP or rewards for completing specific tasks within a limited time frame.

Utilize In-Game Resources

Prodigy offers various in-game resources that can help boost your XP gains. For example, the Academy is a feature where you can practice math skills and earn XP without engaging in battles. Take advantage of the Academy to sharpen your math skills and earn additional XP on the side. Additionally, don't forget to visit the in-game shops to purchase items and equipment that can aid you in battles and quests.

Join a Guild

Guilds are communities of players who come together to support and collaborate with each other in Prodigy. Joining a guild can provide numerous benefits, including access to exclusive quests, guild events, and bonus XP opportunities. By teaming up with other players, you can tackle challenging quests and battles more effectively, ultimately speeding up your journey to level 100.

Strategize Your Battles

In Prodigy, battles play a significant role in earning XP and progressing through levels. To maximize your XP gains from battles, develop effective battle strategies and utilize your pet's abilities wisely. Focus on targeting enemies that offer the most XP rewards and prioritize completing battles efficiently to minimize downtime between engagements.

Stay Consistent and Persistent

Achieving level 100 in Prodigy requires dedication and persistence. Make it a habit to play the game regularly and set achievable goals for yourself along the way. Break down your level progression into smaller milestones, and celebrate each accomplishment to stay motivated. Remember that every math problem solved and every battle won brings you one step closer to your goal.


Reaching level 100 in Prodigy is a challenging but rewarding endeavor. By following the tips outlined in this guide, you can streamline your leveling process and make steady progress towards achieving this milestone. Remember to focus on improving your math skills, utilizing in-game resources, and collaborating with other players to enhance your gaming experience and reach level 100 in Prodigy.


1. How long does it typically take to reach level 100 in Prodigy? Reaching level 100 in Prodigy can vary depending on individual gameplay habits and dedication. On average, it may take several months of consistent play to achieve this milestone.

2. Are there any shortcuts or cheats to reach level 100 faster? While there may be third-party programs or hacks that claim to expedite the leveling process, it's essential to avoid using them as they violate the game's terms of service and can result in penalties or bans.

3. Can I level up in Prodigy without battling monsters? While battling monsters is a significant source of XP in Prodigy, players can also earn XP through completing quests, practicing math skills in the Academy, and participating in special events and challenges.

4. What should I do if I'm stuck on a particularly challenging level? If you find yourself struggling to progress in Prodigy, consider revisiting earlier levels to practice and reinforce your math skills. Additionally, reaching out to fellow guild members or seeking advice from online communities can provide valuable insights and strategies to overcome obstacles.

5. Is it worth investing real money in the game to level up faster? While in-game purchases can offer convenience and additional resources, they are not necessary to progress in Prodigy. With dedication and strategic gameplay, players can reach level 100 without spending real money.

How To Get To Level 100 In Prodigy Fast (2024)
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